


  • A clear trimethyl endblocked polysiloxane fluid
  • Available in viscosities up to 7 million centipoise, and higher viscosities on a special order basis
  • Use of a proprietary catalyst during polymerization offers improved thermal stability


  • For maximum vibration control and damping in dash pots for time delay relays, pulsation dampers and meter movements
  • Use as the working media in fluid clutch and fluid drive systems in the aerospace and automotive industry
  • Consider for use as a lubricant, coating, release agent or performance additive
  • For applications requiring an operating temperature range of -40°C to 200°C (-40°F to 392°F)

Product Details

Property Average Result
Viscosity 7,000,000 cP (7,000,000 mPa*s)
Volatile Content 2 %
Specific Gravity 1
Appearance Clear
Dielectric Strength 400 volts/mil (15.6 kV/mm)
Operating Temperature -40 °C / 200 °C
Refractive Index 1.40
Volume Resistivity 1,000,000,000,000,000 ohmcm
Comment 100% Dimethylsiloxane non-reactive polymer. Custom viscosities available.

Encapsulation Technology

Watch our CareSil team explain the breakthrough Encapsulation Technology and demonstrate how easy it is to create transformative formulations with CES.

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The test data shown for this material is the average value for typical properties. All of these properties may not be tested on a lot to lot basis and cannot be used to draft specifications. Please contact NuSil for assistance and recommendations in establishing limits for product specifications.