


  • Two-part, RTV silicone foam
  • Yields a low density silicone rubber foam when catalyzed
  • 100:6 Mix Ratio (Base: Catalyst)


  • Use in shock and vibration dampening situations requiring a lightweight, flexible foam with excellent thermal and electrical properties

Product Details

Property Average Result
Viscosity 4,700 cP (4,700 mPa*s)
Cure System Tin
Foam Density 10 lbs/ft3 (0.16 g/cm3)
Application Life 28 minutes
Appearance Tan
Cure 10 minutes / RTV
Mix Ratio 100:6
Non Volatile Content 100 %
Comment Low Density / Soft, 10 lb/ft^3 (0.16 g/cm^3)

Encapsulation Technology

Watch our CareSil team explain the breakthrough Encapsulation Technology and demonstrate how easy it is to create transformative formulations with CES.

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The test data shown for this material is the average value for typical properties. All of these properties may not be tested on a lot to lot basis and cannot be used to draft specifications. Please contact NuSil for assistance and recommendations in establishing limits for product specifications.