


  • Two-part, tan-colored electrically conductive RTV silicone
  • 100:0.5 Mix Ratio (Base: Curing Agent)


  • For applications requiring low outgassing and minimal volatile condensables under extreme operating conditions to avoid condensation in sensitive devices
  • Use for RFI and EMI shielding in electrical and space applications
  • Use to adhere covers onto housings or for any application where grooves and other configurations require a non-flowable to limited flow material
  • For applications requiring a broader operating temperature range
Meets or exceeds the ASTM E 595 low outgas specifications outlined in NASA SP-R-0022A and European Space Agency PSS-014-702, with a TML of ≤1% and CVCM of ≤0.1%

Product Details

Property Average Result
Volume Resistivity 0.01 ohmcm
Cure System Alkoxy
Durometer 80 Type A
Tensile 400 psi (2.76 MPa)
Appearance Tan
Cure 10 days / RTV
Elongation 90 %
Lap Shear 325 psi (2.24 MPa)
Mix Ratio 100:0.5
Specific Gravity 3.86
Tear 60 ppi (10.58 kN/m)
Thermal Conductivity 1 W/(mK)
Work Time 3.5 hours
Comment Electrically Conductive, 0.007 ohmcm

Encapsulation Technology

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The test data shown for this material is the average value for typical properties. All of these properties may not be tested on a lot to lot basis and cannot be used to draft specifications. Please contact NuSil for assistance and recommendations in establishing limits for product specifications.